Yesterday saw the wedding of Suzy and Craig at Kilworth House, gorgeous location, lovely weather, and a truly 'awesome' couple. I enjoyed the day so much I didn't get home until 4am!
Here's a small selection of the photos from the day, big thanks for Shelley for her fantastic organising of people, Charlotte for always having a smile on her face, and Suzy and Craig for putting up with all my ideas wanting to make the most of the location.
Once again a big thanks to Sue for second shooting, some incredible candids in the morning, looking forward to seeing the rest.
The dress -
The shoes -
The rings
Suzy looking fantastic (or perhaps 'fine' ?) after hair and makeup.
Bride and dad down the aisle
Charlotte - a photographer's dream - always a lovely smile when you need a natural pic.
Craig - so eager to marry Suzy he didn't need the registrar to finish her sentance
An exit kiss for the brand new Mr and Mrs Simmons
Close up with the confetti
The boys -
The unwilling subjects christened this one "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil"
Enter the newly weds
Shelley's "Oestrogen dress" gives her another dose
Dads - still knowing how to embarass their kids, even in their twenties -
Suzy watches her new husband give his speech
Craig gets something in his eye during the best man's speech
Enjoying the sunset
The bridesmaids
First dance
Fantastic staircase
Zombies during 'thriller'
And as a special treat....................."wave your hands.......SUPERMAN" (not sure whether to be proud or ashamed that I had to look up the lyrics on google)